Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A mental break

1. What are the last 3 things you purchased?
Welcome Mat
Apple Juice boxes
2. What are the last 3 songs you downloaded?
Lady GaGa alubum
3. What are your 3 favorite movies?
Bridget Jones Diary
Yours Mine Ours
4. What are your 3 favorite possessions?
My great grandmothers bible from Israel
Wedding photos
Engagment ring
5. What 3 things can you not live without?
Friends and family
Spinach dip
The Bible
6. What would be your 3 wishes?
For my family to have good health
For everyone to have a personal relationship with Christ
No more poverty
7. What are 3 things you have not done yet?
Had a baby
Traveled to Australia
mowed a lawn
8. What are your 3 favorite dishes?
Mac n Cheese
Thai Coconut Soup
Chicken Parmasean
9. What 3 celebrities would you want to hang out with the most?
I would like to ask Steve Carell questions and watch him on the set of the Office
I'd like to have dinner with Tom Hanks and his wife (they seem like a nice couple)
I'd like to hang out with Jerry Sienfield because he makes me laugh outloud.
10. Name 3 things that freak you out.
Glass eyes
dialition of eyeballs
11. If you could describe yourself in 3 words, what would they be?
Beautiful (thats what allen would say, don't know bout anyone else except my mama!)
12. Name 3 unusual things you are good at.
Planning things- trips, events etc.
Bargain shopping
Remembering details
13. What are 3 things you are currently coveting?
New chairs for the living room
A new rug for my living room
New paint
14. What are 3 things you will do today?
Eat dinner with my dad
Get some groceries
Unpack plates

1 comment:

  1. hey homeowner, your yard mowing virginity may be coming to an end this summer :o)
