Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

First things first.
Why is that we only have a few three day weekends throughout the year? Why isn't every weekend a three day weekend? I swear people would be happier and more productive at their jobs.

We had a busy Memorial Day weekend. I love this holiday for two reasons. One of course is the opportunity to remember those who have fought for our freedom of past and present and the other is the memories of my wedding day. Even though the actual date is not the same the time of year is. I loved our wedding day and I love talking with Allen about our little memories of that special day.

Back to the rundown. We celebrated Allen's 28th with good friends, babies and authentic Mexican food. We celebrated with cheesecake and chocolate cake as well. We celebrated with candles that glowed blue, pink and yellow.

We slept in on some days and we went to bed early on others. We stayed at the hotel downtown where Gone with the Wind first premiered. We drank lots of coffee and watched the passersby's walk around. We went out to our favorite Thai restaurant. I got a pedicure. Allen gardened. We went to Target. We even did the laundry.

It was a good weekend. I was sad to see it go but I am so glad it stayed around for an extra day!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Someone is going to be turning 28 at our house in a few hours.....

He is pretty cool.
He used to have longer hair than me.
He is always excited about an opportunity to lead worship
He loves me
He is a great daddy to my baby girl

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

5 more days

5 more days of work left. And 5 things I am looking forward to this summer:

1. Living on the beach for a week with 5 of my loves. Really, like I open the back door and the sand is in my toes.
2. Spending my all my days with Molly.
3. Twilight nights perfect for outdoor suppers, lightening bugs and evening strolls.
4. birthday cake
5. spending more time with my amazing husband of TWO years!

Sadness in the News

Today on my morning route to work I listened to the news. It was filled with much sadness.

In Missouri people are still waiting to be found, discovered and rescued. The rain is making it harder for everyone including the dogs to find bodies trapped under houses, in basements or cars. The hospital has closed completely due to floors being riped out, windows broken and damaged rooms.

In South Africa they are running out of land for graves. They are doing grave recycling which is basically burying people on top of people. Some people do not know what to do because due to their religious beliefs that is not allowed. Land is scarce because of the booming population and need for housing and farming. What would we do if that was our news story? How would we feel, how would we bury our loved ones?

I am so thankful for everything in this moment. My life. My health. My husband of two years. My beautiful baby girl. My job and my breakfast. My friends and my family. My home and all the memories that I have been blessed with. SO THANKFUL. That today I don't have to worry about picking up pieces of my home that have been scattered by a tornado or trying to reconcile the idea of recycling graves.

How are you thankful?

Monday, May 23, 2011


Molly can now officially roll over both ways! Yay baby girl! She is rolling everywhere. The changing table, the bed, the crib, the church pew (yes that was a scary one) the church floor, the living room. IT is awesome. So proud of her!

We also got a baby bouncer this weekend and we have one happy little lady living with us. I will try to post the video here if you have not had a chance to see it on facebook!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wednesday Night

Tonight was pure heaven....

Our little family of three enjoyed some relaxation time after work. We played, we watched molly snub her nose at rice cereal and we washed dishes, did laundry and sterilized bottles.

Allen had band reherasal and so it was determined to be a girls night in. Molly and I took a stroll around the neighborhood. We watched a streetful of kids ride their scooters and tricycles. We looked at all the beautiful flowers that are blooming this time of year. We felt the wind on our faces and looked at the sunlight streaming through the trees. I talked to her about the different houses, the ones I liked the ones I didn't. I talked to her about the Lord and how he makes life come out from the ground. I talked to her and made her laugh.

Then she fell asleep. It was the sweetest thing. ever.

We came home and Molly went to her crib. I LOVE the video monitor. Wonderful invention.

I cooked dinner for 1 and it was delecious.  Baked talapia with lemon and dill. Salad. Wine.

It is 9pm and I guess I should go wake her...its bathtime!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


1. I declined the offer to interview for special needs Pre-k position.
2. I declined the offer to have my job back at my current school.
3. I am hopeful about the job that was given to me as a special needs primary school teacher.
4. I have read two amazing books these past two weeks: The Scarlet Thread and Leota's Garden, both by Francine Rivers.
5. My baby girl is growing up so fast. She talks to herself when she wakes up, when she plays and when we she spots the fan. I love her with all of my heart.
6. Summer is apporaching....only a few more days left.

Friday, May 13, 2011


Summer 2005 When I met Allen for the first time.
Can you find us?

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Tired with a capital T

Molly has to be teething. I am so tired. Too bad it's not Halloween, because I could totally pull of the zombie look.

Thank you to my mom who gave us a coffee pot this year for Christmas.
Thank you to Liz who listened to me complain this morning on the way to work.
Thank you to Jesus who has placed a love inside my heart that loves Molly more than I love sleep.

Monday, May 9, 2011

I am a mother

In May of last year Allen took me on a date. It was not just an "i love you" date or a " lets go have fun " kinda date. It was a " You are going to be a mommy" date.  Allen and I had a tiny seceret. We had told no one that we were expecting. We went out to a new resturant downtown and we talked about our tiny secrect. We guessed if our secrect would be a boy or a girl. We were all smiles and disbelief.

This year Mother's day was extremely special. I will never forget my very first Mother's day, but this time around I understood and knew what it means to be a mother. Its an amazing honor to be a mom to Molly. I never knew that it would be so hard and so easy at the same time. I never knew what tired ment. Or what it ment to be selfless. I never knew the joy of holding pure love in my arms. I am so thankful for every day that the Lord has allowed me to take care of Molly. I know that she is His creation and I am honored to care for her, love her and protect her. As I laid in our bed last night the room was dark only slightly illumniated by moonlight. I could make out the outline of Molly's tiny hands and face. I listened to her drinking her bottle and her tiny baby noises that I know are going to disapear way to fast. I breathed in the moment. I took a mental photograph. I love the quiet moments with her. I love smelling her baby smell, watching her mouth move as she drinks her nighttime bottle and her tiny fingers curl around my own. Sigh.

Last night as I was sharing my thoughts with the Lord I told Him that I hoped that I could live to see Molly be a mother herself. Only God knows if that dream will come true, but as I pray for Molly's life and all her dreams to come true, I will continue to pray that mine do too.

Friday, May 6, 2011

What a good Friday morning

This morning was good.
Molly woke up happy and cute
I had time to dry my hair.
I had time to scramble eggs.
I had time to feed my sweet almost 5month old daughter some breakfast.
I was not late to work.

ps Molly LOVES looking at herself in the camera. Most of the time she will break away from the bottle just to stare. I love that about her little mind...so curious

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Growing up so fast...

The early days/weeks where we were still learning what it ment to breastfeed

Trying oatmeal out for the first time...how time flies!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


When you're kind to others, you help yourself;
when you are cruel to others, you hurt yourself
Proverbs 11:17

I'm so pretty...oh so pretty

Correction, I want to feel that way about myself. Lately it has been tough. My body, skin, hair post pregnancy is not what it was pre-pregnancy. I guess that is to be expected, I mean I did carry a HUMAN BEING in my stomach for 9months.

Anyways, I would like to feel pretty. I would like a makeover. Maybe a few shirts, maybe some new make up. Maybe a manicure. Too bad money doesn't grow on trees right? Right. I know a new shade of lipstick or some pink polish on my nails isn't going to solve any major issues I have going on, but it will certainly feel nice.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Boys will be Boys

 Allen playing
Mac playing

Weekend Faves

1. Its the weekend, duh.
2. Making Mac laugh
3. Watching Sarah make Molly laugh
4. Fish tacos
5. finally finding a coffee creamer I like
6. late night talking with Sarah Grace about babies, husbands, friends and life
7. finding a seriously cute cotton brown dress at walmart for 12 bucks
8. seeing that my dogs can handle a running 2 year old around the house