Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Survey Says..

I saw this on a blog and decided to copy and paste :)
What's his name?

Graham Allen Morrison

How long have you been together? About 6 years.
How long did you date before moving in together? umm, excuse me? i'm an old fashioned gal...marriage comes first.

How old is he? really old...27

Who eats more? Depends on the food item...

Who said I love you first? he did of course!

Who is taller? thankfully him...that would be awkward if i was taller.

Who is smarter? well, he went to Ga Tech so I am gonna let him win on that one.

Who does laundry? He washes and drys and I fold and put away, most of the time
Who does the dishes? He loads the dishwasher up...I unload it later. we're such a team.

Who pays the bills? what? we have bills?

Who mows the lawn? definitely him
Who cooks dinner? He usually cooks the meat...I cook the rest

Who drives when you are together? He drives his car and I drive mine

Who kissed who first? what? He kissed me.

Who asked out who first? He asked me out over the phone after we had just spent hours talking at a friends house. I was asleep and out of it when he called but once he started talking I knew where the conversation was going.
Who proposed? well, of course he did!

Who has more siblings? Me

Who wears the pants in the family? We both do

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Feeling Crafty

I have a project up my sleeve that involves yarn, felt and a hot glue gun

and another one

involving yellow pray paint!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

A magical getaway

 This weekend Molly experienced a few "firsts."  First she experienced her first cold. A crummy crummy cold. I hated (and currently still do since her cold is in full swing) seeing her nose run, hearing her congested and listening to her cough. She was warm to the touch every day but every time we took her temperature she was in the clear. We are very thankful for the absence of fever. She also experienced her first hot day out in Atlanta. Saturday was HOT. We had the ac cranked full blast in our car as we drove around the city. It was so nice to enjoy the sunshine but ummmm what happened to spring? I guess I will go to walmart tonight and purchase some baby sunscreen....She also experienced her first taste of Mexico! Not to worry, no jalapenos in her bottle but Allen did take us to this magical get away.
 Here is Molly and Me at the magical get away.
 Here are the glass circles that hung from the ceiling. Molly was in awe. You could hardly get her to look at you she was so in love with these organge circles.
Allen having to smile for the camera. Looks a little caught off gaurd.

 About the magical get away: Downtown Atlanta has a lot of old buildings.  A lot of hidden gems like coffee shops, botiques and resturants. Allen sold this place to me as " a place to get coffee, breakfast and sweets." Not to shabby but not on my to do list of places to go either. I have to admit I was bummed that we were taking time out of Saturday to go grab a cup of coffee. HOWEVER when I walked in it took my breath away. I literally felt like I had stepped into a resort south of the border. It is a beautiful place to visit. I will have to post more pictures later. I really don't want to describe it because it will not do it any justice. We had so much fun (the short time we stayed) picking out our tiny desrets and ordering coffee. My husband knows me so well and my love for all things international.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

One more photo...

Miss Molly!

How a house changes..

Some of Molly's favorite things
Molly loves her swing. I love her swing. It is turquoise and brown and has little owls on the mobile. Molly loves her car seat. She could sleep it in at night if we let her. I love her car seat. It is gender neutral and I like that it fits the color scheme of my car and Allen's car.

Our house was empty when we moved in almost a year ago. It did not have one piece of furniture. We added a lot to that empty home. A few new things (like bath mats and  rugs) but mostly belongings that we already had. That empty house became less empty. It took awhile for our house to feel more like a "home" to me. Sometimes it can still feel like just a house for a moment to me.  Since our first night in our house we have
- painted the kitchen and middle room
-changed bedrooms
-bought a guest bed
- made our dining room a sitting room
- created a nursery
- had a baby.

All of those things helped this house look and feel more like our home. Our house has changed a lot since last March. We no longer have a coffee table in our living room. We have burp cloths and pacifiers lying around the end tables. We keep the swing in our sitting room and Molly's bouncer is usually on one end of the couch. Those are just material changes though. Instead of just two people living in our house we now have three. We have a lot more laughter and a lot more crying (Molly's crying). We have a lot more love inside our house.

There are some changes like more laundry and less time to clean that I am struggling to get through without complaining, but all in all I love the way our little house has changed.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Dear Bunny,

You are a dream come true. Truly a dream come true. I love you with all my heart. You are so fun to be with. I have so much more joy in my life since you have been here. I love being with you. These past three months have been such an adventure.  I still can't believe that I have a daughter. The very instant I held you in my arms I was changed forever. I love your smile and I love that you have your daddy's eyes. I love that you are starting to be so expressive when you are happy and when you are sad. I love that you sleep best when you are held against my chest. I love that you laugh at me when I dance for you in the kitchen. I love that I can make you laugh in the middle of a crying session. I love that you love bath time. I love our tiny moments together when I pray with you or when we sit quietly. I love every single thing about you. Your long fingers are beautiful. Your giggle is infectious. Your tiny baby sounds melt my heart. You amaze me every single day and I love you so very much. You will always be my little bunny,
your mama

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

By the way

Can you please take a look at that tiny hand in the picture below? I mean how sweet is that? Sooooo tiny and soft!!


Molly in her sweet little lamb pajamas. They are super soft and super cuddly.
I really love baby clothing. I especially love baby girl clothing. I love little dresses and little rompers. I love little sun hats and tiny shoes. I really love clothing that makes babies look like babies. Molly has one pair of jeans and they were bought for her daddy because he likes tiny babies in jeans.  Every day Molly wears what most people consider "PJs."  I consider them "outfits." HA HA. I have had several people say something about her being in her "PJs" all the time and it takes me a minute to realize they are talking about her "outfits."

I like the sleep and plays because they are so soft and cuddly. I also want to dress her in the easiest thing for daycare so that they are not trying to put some complicated outfit on her. I hope that it helps them when she is crying after a diaper change and all they have to do is zip or snap an outfit together.

That being said, I am starting to add more non pajama like outfits to her wardrobe. Some have been gifts and some have been hand me downs but they are really cute.  I am hoping to find some sweet little outfits for the summer that do not include pj's.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sale! Sale! Sale!

I am so excited. I am going to a HUGE baby consignment sale tomorrow. HUGE. My mommy friend gave me two advice tips.

1. Wear tennis shoes
2. Take Tylenol before you go

I am looking forward to buying my little girl clothes. Pink clothes. Ruffles. Tiny things.
I also want to look for:

1. A sling to carry baby in
2. Books
3. Toys

I am planning on taking a laundry bag and just filling it up. Will definatly post pictures of my treasures!

One of my favorite things to do at night is to pick out Molly's outfit for the next day. I don't get to dress her or take her to day care (because I have to leave so early) so it makes me feel like I have a part of her morning. Sigh. Wish I could just stay at home.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Rainy Weekend

Looking forward to a rainy weekend for just a few reasons....

1. Forced to get organized (closets, under the bed, laundry etc)
2. We have cable temporarly so I am going to FULLY enjoy watching whatever is on.
3. Movie night with Allen and Molly
4. Naps
5. Family time.

Not looking forward to the rainy weekend for just a few reasons....

1. Dogs will be instead ALL the time.
2. It makes it colder outside
3. No walking outside to get exercise
4. Time goes by faster to me when I am inside all the time.
5. The mud I will be cleaning off my dogs when they come inside from their bathroom brake.

Hope your weekend is full of SUNSHINE!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Happy Tuesday Folks!

I have lot to write and some awesome pictures to post soon! Check back later!