Tuesday, September 4, 2012

time for a change

Our blog has permanently moved to :

hope to see you there!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Weekend!

This past Easter weekend was super fun. I had the joy of staying on St.Simons with my family the week prior due to my spring break at school. It was just Molly and Mommy for the most part during the day and even though it was a struggle at times (props to all the single mama's and daddy's out there) it was such an honor and blessing to be with Molly all the day long.

Easter Sunday consisted of a walk on the pier with coffee and a good friend (plus lil molly), rushing and packing, sitting in a cramped tiny airplane with a very active toddler and seeing my love at the airport! After that we proceeded to lunch and an afternoon nap, Easter egg hunt at Grammy M's and Granddaddy and a wonderful Easter supper.

It was a beautiful day, to celebrate a beautiful sacrifice that gives me life every single day and even after death!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Weekend Faves

In no particular order...

1. cooler weather in Na Georgia

2. chocolate chip chess squares

3. watching Lost with allen Sunday night

4. finding adorable baby clothes for 50cents a pop at a community yard sale

5. molly's voice

6. molly insisting she wear her bikini around the house

7. family picnic on the front lawn

8. buying wildflower seeds to plant in hanging baskets on front porch

9. spending my entire weekend with my family

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

blank slate

I have so many thoughts and ideas in my heart that I want to put on here. Several times a day I think " I need to blog about that or I want to share this with others etc."

Then something happens. I click on my blog to update a post and I draw a blank. It's not that I cannot remember what it is I want to share it is that I have lost the desire to do so. I still think that it is important or funny or valuable it is just that something is stopping me.

I struggle with all things hidden. It is not like I have some outward addiction where people can count how many drinks I have or see damage done to my body by using substances frequently. It is the hidden problems that that remain unseen. Pride, selfishness, lack of follow through, and comparison. Not every day and not every week but they are there, lurking in the background.

This morning I woke up feeling tangled up in all of those plus a few more. When I was younger my mom rented a movie for me, Gidget and I loved it. I loved the clothes and hairstyles and the technicolor goodness of old fashioned life. There is a scene in the beginning where Gidget gets tangled up in kelp out in the ocean in an effort to show a group of people that she can  "fit in" with them. Now, I could draw all sorts of comparisons to that in my real life (both present and past) but instead I just wanna say that is how I felt this morning. Like all the hidden stuff was drowning me. There was just this heaviness around me.  An outsider could look at my life and say "how is that possible? You have so much? A family that loves you, a home that is safe and sound, a good job etc." Nonetheless it was still there.

So I sat down in my favorite chair and wrote in my journal. I wrote to Jesus. I told him how I felt and that I need His help. I wrote out promises of God's love for me and tried to remind myself of how He see's me and wants me to be.

On my way to work I had my windows rolled down and my music playing loudly. As I was driving and singing loudly a memory flashed in my mind.  One of me in high school driving around in my car with my windows down and my music playing loudly. Thinking I was so cool listening to Bloodhound Gang on tape.

And He reminded me of what He has done for me.

Fast forward ten years and I am driving in my car with my windows down and my music playing loudly. And instead of songs full of angst,sex and obscenities I am listening to words that lift up Jesus and declare His Glory and our good. I am revived by those truths and by the relationship I have with Him. My breath was taken away.  I couldn't believe that he would bring to my mind an isolated memory that only the Lord and I shared of me as a mixed up teenager. It was really awesome and so personal.

I know this is kind of a mixed up post - to whoever may read it but it is my heart right now.

I feel as if I am going through a refining process of sorts and on the verge of something. I feel like I am being pulled this way and that way and trying really hard to just stay close to Him.

Friday, February 24, 2012

A shepherd looks at Psalm 23

I borrowed a book from my gram. It is rocking my world right now. It is called "A shepherd looks at Psalm 23" by Phillip Keller.

Maybe I am like last on the train to read this book and discover Christ's unique character through it but if you haven't heard of it check it out. It is an old book, one that is yellowed with age but holds truth in it that I have never known before.

It was written by a man who grew up in Africa herding sheep. He takes the famous psalm written by David and breaks it down from a shepherds perspective. I have only gotten through the first chapter but it is really teaching me a lot.

Here a few things that have jumped out at me:
"Many who either read or study the Scriptures in the 20th century come from an urban, man-made environment. They are often unfamiliar with such subjects as livestock, crops, and fruit etc. They miss much of the truth taught in God's word because they are not familiar with such things as sheep, wheat, soil or grapes."

"Our view of Him is often too small--- too cramped--too provincial--to human. And because it we feel unwilling to allow Him to have authority or control--much less outright ownership of our lives."

Talking about David's proclamation 'The LORD is my shepherd':  " after all, he knew from firsthand experience that the lot in life of any particular sheep depend on the type of man who owned it. Some men were gentle, kind, intelligent, brae and selfless in their devotion to their stock. Under one man sheep would struggle, starve and suffer endless hardship. In another's care they would flourish and thrive contentedly."

" His ownership of me as a human being is legitimate----simply because it is He who brought me into being and no one is better to able to understand or care for me"

I am so enjoying these truths as I read about our Lord the Good Shepherd.

plans this weekend

I don't really have any plans this weekend. I mean I have plans like: laundry, sleeping, playing in the park, reading bedtime stories, worship, watching lost (we are so sucked into it, its bad:) but that is about it.

Last weekend we went down to st. simons island to see my sweet Gram who was in the hospital and spend some time with extended family. Thats a post for another day but in the meantime drool over some of these yummy lunches/dinners I would love to make for my family this weekend. All courtsey of pinterest.