Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sneak Peak

Here is a sneak peak of our front porch!! WE LOVE IT! We drove up to the house yesterday at 5pm and the sellers were frantically trying to leave! I asked them if they needed any help and that they didn't need to rush. I told them could have more time if they needed it. They said they were just leaving and making sure our one of our new neighbors had our phone numbers in case she needs it. She is an elderly woman that has lived in the neighborhood since she was 4 years old and sometimes needs help with things, like replacing a porch light or moving heavy things. I would love to meet her and hear about the neighborhood and how she has seen it change throughout the generations.

The two chairs are not ours, this picture was taken before the sellers moved so they took those with them, and left everything else! We added some cute paisley outdoor pillows and I want to put a new welcome mat out. Maggie loves it! She ran around the front yard sniffing everything and she went crazy running throughout the house and the back yard. I can't wait to play with her in the back yard and just give her a space that is much more dog friendly.

We unlocked the front door together both giving each other these super wide, silly, excited grins about our new home. I have such hope-God-filled dreams for this home and I know Allen does too! The sellers had left a beautiful bouquet of spring flowers on the kitchen counter along with a gift which was so thoughtful and sweet. We both wish that we could have met them before this encounter. They were very very cool people.

We took a few trips last night from one house to another and plan on doing the same the rest of the week. Tonight a good friend is coming over to help and then we are going to eat a yummy meal and hang out.

Life is good.

Praise God.

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