Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I am very ready for fall to get here.

I have had a great, fun, relaxing, exciting summer. I have been on more than one beach trip, more than one mountain trip, seen family and friends from California and Alabama. I have visited with friends in Atlanta that I hadn't seen in months.

However, I am ready for fall. Fall is my absolute most favorite time of the year ever. I love getting the cooler weather. I love feeling the change in the air. I love getting pumpkin spice lattes with whip cream and seeing the colors of leaves change on the way home from work. I love taking trips to North Carolina because fall is much more magical in the mountains than here in the city.

I am looking forward to being pregnant during the fall. I am so ready for fall. This weekend husband and I are heading to the mountains and the high is predicted to be 70. I am sleeping with windows open. I am getting a hot chocolate at the local coffee shop early in the morning when its 55 outside. I am going to take it slow and take in the gorgeous scenery.

I am really looking forward to this trip. I just wish it were promised to be longer.

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