I could really go for the following:
A hot cup of earl grey
A comfy pair of Pajamas
No one at my house except for me
The fire in the fire place roaring
I think that sounds like a perfect day. I would love for that to happen. Maybe that can happen this evening. I just have this problem. I get home and I see problems. I see dog hair on the carpet so I need to vacuum, I see dirty dishes in the sink so I groan and start to wash them, I see dogs that need to be fed, I see laundry that needs to be folded and once it is folded it needs to be put away. I see clothes that are on the bathroom floor and need to go in the laundry. I do not know how it is this unending cycle of cleaning. Don't get me wrong, I don't get on my hands and knees and scrub the tub every night because I definitely don't do that.
There is always a running list though. I get overwhelmed thinking about this, even right now as I type. I hope that today I don't get so overwhelmed when I get home. I hope that I can go home and focus on one or two things and then relax. We will see...
I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND and battle with these same issues/thoughts.