Wednesday, February 15, 2012

our little valentine

we spent our valentines together as a family with no electricity. none. i complained even though i know that many people around the world live with out electricity on a daily basis. it messed up my plans. how were we going to stay warm? what about dinner? i had groceries to put in the fridge? what about molly's sound machine? blah blah blah.

thank goodness allen is my other half. he made things infinitely better by finding candles and lanterns from old camping trips. we thankfully also have natural gas that heats our water and our fireplace and stove so issues like dinner and bath time worked themselves out. molly's sound machine is actually an old iphone with a sound machine app and it was fully charged so that worked out fine too. it was cold outside so some groceries were able to say out on the back porch and allen grilled our steaks on the grill. we had fun.

allen said several times, " we will always remember this valentines day when we had no electricity" and he was right. i will remember lighting candles in our kitchen, dining room and living room. i will remember bathing molly with a lantern as our only light. i will remember us rummaging through the fridge/freezer as fast as we can so that cold air would not escape. i will remember that in the middle of our dinner when the electricity came back on and we cheered and then i asked allen to turn the lights back off because if was more fun talking to one another and eating by candlelight.

our Jesus takes care of us and was patient with me while i struggled with being a brat about not having electricity. i knew that it wasn't the end of the world, i knew that it was more important that i had my family and that we had heat from the fireplace and we were safe. however i still struggled. i still wanted MY plans and i sulked when they didn't happen. HE is always patient and slow to anger. he helped me turn my attitude around and used my sweet husband to help that process.

it was a perfect valentines day. absolutely perfect.

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