Friday, December 18, 2009

A Christmas Past

So looking back on a few word documents that I had saved on my computer I found this... I think it was the second Christmas that allen and I were dating and so I wanted him to know what our Christmas looked like on St.Simons. I decorated the envelope and left it in his apartment to find once I left for the road trip home. I had written him one previously and its so fun to look back and see the how the relationship had changed in a year.

I was thinking about Christmas and the holidays and knowing that I was not going to be able to be with you exactly on Christmas. I wish that we could be together so I thought that if I wrote you a short letter and you read it on Christmas that we could kind of be together. I had such a good time with you and your family the other night when we decorated the tree together. It was so easy and fun and felt so right. I knew that when I do spend Christmas with your family that it will be so much fun and that I will love it because I will be sharing my Christmas with you.
I know that my Christmas will look something like this… we will wake up at whatever time we wake up. My parents get up early and put on Christmas music, start the coffee and the fire and wait for Lanier and I to walk downstairs. We will take turns opening gifts (stockings always first) and my mom will play Santa until Lanier and I take over. Lanier always takes a long time. I think because she wants to look like she has the most gifts. Then we sit around and talk and play and eat breakfast casserole. This year I know we will play with Maggie and stick bows to her and other things that she will hate but we will love. We will call my relatives and wish them a Merry Christmas and talk for a bit (thank them for gifts) and then eventually get ready to go over to Aunt Carolyn’s house. I don’t know if she will let me bring Maggie, I hope so. This is my favorite part of Christmas because it is so laid back. We usually laugh a lot and just enjoy the company. That night we might all go see a movie or might hang out with Kelly. And that is my Christmas. I cannot wait to share it will you!!
By this time I am going to be really ready for you to be on St. Simons and I will be hoping that you call me and send me a text message or two. I will defiantly be calling you.
I love you Allen and I am so grateful that God has blessed me with you. I am amazed at your love for me, your love for Gods word, your patience, your servant heart, your good looks and your talent. I hope that you know how much I am in love with you and how much I am waiting for us to be married. I can’t wait for us to be a team for the Lord, a team for each other and to be one. I am praying for you, your family and ya’lls time together. I know that they are so happy to share this holiday with you. I wish I could be there!!!
I love you,
Christmas 2007

1 comment:

  1. well, that made me tear up. there is nothing like being reminded, for me, of how you feel toward me. it leaves me encouraged in so many ways, and it makes me fall more in love with you. thank you for that. thank you for giving it to me back then. i can't wait to hug you for it today.

    i love you whitney
