Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Weekend Favs Part I

Here are some weekend favs in no order (of favorite to least) but in order from Sunday to Friday. Sunday was a huge day of productivity. Go figure!! I got lots done and so did Allen. One of the biggest accomplishments was laundry. Lots of it. Cleaned, dried and folded!! Now to just put it away :) That always seems to be the hardest part.
Saturday we walked around downtown, found a new restaurant that we loved, enjoyed a coffee (A) and a small hot chocolate (me) and took in the fresh fall weather with the beautiful fall flowers.
Friday I spent some time with a good friend after work. We sat outside and watched her son play in the back yard while her other child took a nap. We talked about husbands, belly's, in-laws, babies etc. It was sooo good to see her. Patrick, her son offered me some addictive chez-its which I had to say yes to. Look at that face!

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