Wednesday, February 8, 2012

my favorite part of yesterday

my favorite part of yesterday occurred at 6am.

after an early morning awakening at 4am by our little one and our attempts to help her fall back asleep I finally caved and brought her into our bed at 6. She nestled down next to me and snuggled up beside me. She sighed and immediately began snoring. She stretched her arms out above her head and in her sleep searched for my hand.

it was such a beautiful moment. I was struggling to keep my eyes open but I really wanted to remember everything. The look on her face, the soft pajamas and the paci moving up and down with each suck. Her tiny fingers curled around my hand and the way her wispy hair fell across her face.

oh my goodness I am so thankful for that moment. it has been etched in my heart forever. being molly's mama was what i was made to do.

1 comment:

  1. That is the most beautiful post youve ever put on this blog.
    I can close my eyes and imagine that moment.
    A treasure.
