Wednesday, October 6, 2010

its a slow burn

Will the heartburn ever go away? I am beginning to think not.


  1. Can pregnant women drink baking soda water? That's what Matt does sometimes. Or a glass of milk.

  2. Heart burn will go away once your little bundle gets here and your esophagus is no longer shortened by a big ol' baby taking up all the room in your tummy. Try to not lay down or bend over right after eating. And eat TUMS whenever needed. I was eating them every night before bed and throughout the night by my 3rd trimester.

  3. haha TUMS....oh my staple during my first trimester. I can't even look at them anymore. But thanks for the help!!

    Jenna, i can drink milk, but even something as simple as water gives me heartburn so i don't know if milk will help. Don't think I would touch the baking soda water....:P
