Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Randomness and such

1. I am going to miss my morning "me" time so much when school starts.  Days this summer have gone like this...wake up early, feed molly, play with molly, make real breakfast (more than a slice of bread or granola bar) drink coffee, play with molly, molly naps and I become the most productive person ever. Cleaning, writing, paying bills, reading, catching up with friends etc. Oh I will miss this so much.

2. Spent time at the lake yesterday actually on the lake and realized what a culture it is. Boat people and lake people. Friendly to the nines.

3. Pet peeve. When you are talking to someone on the telephone and you think they are listening but you realize that they were not because response is inappropriate. Example: me: " Our neighborhood has been experiencing some car thefts lately" Person: " oh that is wonderful!"

4. I would love to have our backyard be a place of fun. So in order for that to happen I need: mosquito's to not exist. Dog poop to magically disappear. The lawn to be mowed. Money to appear in bank account so we can spring for cushions (eli ate our couch cushions earlier this year) and some citronella candles. And the heat to dissipate about 15 -20 degrees. Don't think that is asking for too much right?

5. I found a great recipe for a heirloom tomato pizza. Too bad the other adult in this house won't go for it. Should I make for myself?

6. I need a good pillow. Every morning I wake up with back and shoulder pain. Where do you get good pillows?


  1. make the pizza for yourself. you'll have leftovers to look forward to.

    I got a pillow free with purchase of our tempurpedic mattress and I loooove it.

  2. Pat was having lots of neck/back pain and someone suggested a tempurpedic pillow (got it at Kohls for about $20) and it helped a lot!
